Chief Executive Officer
500 podjetnic
Aspire Slovenia
Marta Turk is an entrepreneur in full meaning of the word: she initiates ideas and develops results. As one of the
entrepreneurial pioneers in Slovenia, she has experience in policy development, by participating in the work of
bodies representing and lobbying for SMEs, (member of National Council, Chamber of Commerce, Small business
development centre etc, non for profit association). Through her international activities as expert for women
entrepreneurship she was invited speaker at many conferences and symposiums at OECD Leed, UNECE, WIPO
and ILO Turin Center. She participated also to the International program of USIA, and was cooperating as fellow
with the Ashoka organisation.
She graduated in economy, and beside her professional business activities, she had successful working
experience in art (theatre and film). She conducted several researches on small business and female
entrepreneurship, and initiated many projects targeting on women entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs etc,
Today she is senior consultant and mentor at the Institute for research and development of family and women
entrepreneurship ZAVOD META focusing on service support and network for women, young people and start-
ups in Slovenia in their economic empowerment. Special focus is dedicated to the Community of Women
Entrepreneurs (www.skupnost-podjetnic.si). It is a network of innovative women who exchange their
knowledge, ideas and partnership and connect with similar organizations nationally and internationally.
The community is co-organizer of the largest conference venue of women entrepreneurs in Slovenia, 500
PODJETNIC (500 business women). In Year 2019 she initiated the campaign for promotion of business angels for
women entrepreneurs in Slovenia starting with first international meeting on the subject.